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“India-International Achiever's Awards New Delhi, London (U.K.), & Dubai U.A.E) 2025.”

International Conventions

"Celebrating Excellence & Honouring Achievers' Globally"

In order to establish India as an economic tycoon, Economic Development Forum and its professionally trained teams with their unique managerial expertise have been jointly holding national and international seminars for many years. The main goal behind all these efforts is to promote intra country and global partnerships amongst Indian and foreign entrepreneurs. EDF always ensures that the success achieved by Indian and international entrepreneurs in various sectors like trade, commerce, industry, technology, science, banking health education social & public service etc. percolate to the bottom. We all know that search for better talent is a continuous process in every facet of business as well as other spheres of life. We, at forum also firmly believe in this aspect. Therefore, in order to promote upcoming entrepreneurs and to give them their due, forum acknowledges their contribution in their respective fields and give them award of excellence. This attempt in turn inspires other budding entrepreneurs and they try to prove their worth by doing even better which we, at forum treat as skill up gradation.

Welcome to Economic Development Forums International conventions ,it's initiated by the Economic Development Forum to serve as a forum to inspire leaders, exchange ideas and opinions about practical leadership challenges, and to enable leaders to benchmark good practices. The summit is held every year. The Topics and issues to be addressed at the Summit shall include.

Ethical Issues in authority and Leadership
Security requisites for Executives
Emergency and Conflict Management
Leadership - increasing and Implementing a Vision
Corporate supremacy
Negotiation Skills within Leaders
allocation Skills for Managers
Corporate Social Responsibility
Women in administration,
Business and Leadership
assessment creation
supervision Essentials for Leaders

The Conventions at Singapore, Bangkok, New Delhi and Dubai ,Moscow belong to the annual program of India-International Achievers Awards. Economic Development Forum, created to recognize the prestige of leading companies, organizations and entrepreneurs. If you're ready for change and to get the results you deserve and you want to connect at a higher level and learn from world leaders, you have come to the right place. At the International Conventions, you'll learn world class strategies, tactics, tools, philosophies; you will learn the mind set of high achievement that will allow you to overcome the current challenges that exist right now in INDIA for small to medium sized business owners. In the India-International Seminar's you'll find out how.

Develop your Business Locally and internationally,
Learn How the Worlds Leaders in Business do it.
Raise Your Business in any Recession without Finance.
Get More Leads, Build Your customer List,
Direct Mail, Text Message Marketing and many MORE!
defeat Adversity, constant worry and Fear
Release More of Your True Potential and Your Business Potential
Grow Your Wealth in the current economy

Visit The India-International Seminar's where Achiever's Connect to change their business and the Indian Economy. you'll hear from experts and specialists from all corners of the globe - each with unmatched track records in the field.

We are more than delighted to share that Economic Development Forum lays special emphasis on encouraging women entrepreneurs, CEOs and widely flourishing business functions like customer care, eGovernance etc. Mammoth support from various quarters of society that our award functions are getting itself is a great testimony to our determined efforts for the betterment of majority of human race as a whole. It's also very satisfying that our awards are widely acclaimed as they are highly reputed and transparent since the winners are selected without any bias. Award functions organized by forum have an added advantage since they offer valuable time to the attendees to have an in-depth dialogue among themselves which in turn help them to strengthen mutual relationship. At our National & International Conventions participating delegate in recognition of their excellent performance in respective fields are presented with award of excellence: a symbol of moral boost, a Distinct stamp of identity and above all, encouragement of hope for the forthcoming entrepreneurs for their exposure at National and International platforms.

The "Economic Development Forum" and their well groomed teams with long year of successful managerial expertise have jointly been holding national and international seminars for the past many year to promote intra country and global partnerships amongst Indian and foreign entrepreneurs with the aim to project India as an emerging economics power and the share its benefits in a host of public related sector like trade, commerce , industry , technology , science, banking health education social & public service. To further upgrade the economic landscape nationally and Internationally, and to further facilitates active global interaction at personal level between Indian & foreign entrepreneurs, in the above said sector, our forum has been organising national and international seminar at various locations globally. At our national & international seminar the participating delegate in recognition of their exemplary performance in respective fields are presented with award of excellence: a symbol of moral boost, a Distinct stamp of identity and above all, a beacon of hope for the upcoming entrepreneurs for their exposure at national and international Levels.

Economic Development Forum invite you to its conventions to be part of this exciting, dynamic phenomenon. Summit will bring together experts from various countries presenting their particular advantages in the respective sector. Forum's Seminars will provide ideal platform to tap into global supply chains and be a part of what is clearly a worldwide movement towards market-driven economies. Interaction with Business Organisations will also introduce you to a clear roadmap of how to do business in certain nations that may have been unclear or restrictive at the outset. This Summit will not only directly benefit your business through pre-arranged meetings but also allow you to cross-network into peripheral areas, yielding some surprising new opportunities for your business.

The Conventions Is initiated by the Economic Development Forum to serve as a forum to inspire leaders, exchange ideas and opinions about practical leadership challenges, and to enable leaders to benchmark good practices. The seminar,s is held every year. If you're ready for change and to get the results you deserve and you want to connect at a higher level and learn from world leaders, you have come to the right place. The Summit where Achiever's Connect to change their business and the Indian Economy, you'll hear from experts and specialists from all corners of the world-each with unmatched track records in the field. at The Conventions you'll learn world class strategies, tactics, tools, philosophies; you will learn the mind set of high achievement that will allow you to overcome the current challenges that exist right now in INDIA for small to medium sized business owners.
The EDF Concentions offers you an unprecedented opportunity to hand-pick from world-leading Achievers and manage your Ultimate Success.

Some of what you'll discover from the summit.

  • Raise your standards, and goals, to the next level, and how to get there faster.
  • Learn Inspiring Stories of Success and High Achievement.
  • Ask the question you have always dreamed of asking from the Achiever's.
  • Gain key insights into their winning edge mindset.
  • How vision is critical to building momentum and maximising success and achievement.
  • Move your Career and Life to the next level.
  • Staying motivated on your journey to success and achievement.
  • Surround yourself with those sharing an outstanding Achiever's mindset.
  • Create connections to help you move to the next level.
  • Create the psychology of success and achievement.
  • How to grow your wealth in any economy.
  • Measuring success the key factors that influence your outcomes.