Upcoming Event
“India-International Achiever's Awards New Delhi, London (U.K.), & Dubai U.A.E) 2025.”


"Working together for a Stronger Economy"

The Economic Development Forum is a non-profit membership organisation which is dedicated to help economic developers in doing their job with greater amount of effectiveness and thereby raising the profile of the profession. EDF members create better quality jobs, develop more vibrant communities and improve the quality of life in their regions. It also helps in improving the overall performance of Indian organisations....

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International Conventions

Singapore, Dubai, Bangkok, London, Russia

In order to establish India as an economic tycoon, Economic Development Forum and its professionally trained teams with their unique managerial expertise have been jointly holding national and international seminars for many years. The main goal behind all these efforts is to promote intra country and global partnerships amongst Indian and foreign entrepreneurs. EDF always ensures that the success achieved by Indian and international entrepreneurs in various sectors like trade, commerce, industry, technology, science, banking health education social & public service etc. percolate to the bottom... More

Award Categories

Business Excellence Award
This award honors the company that has continuously provided excellent customer care, and with an exemplary commitment to service.... More

Quality Excellence Award
The EDF Quality Award appropriate for both Private Sector and Public Sector organizations "Quality Excellence Award" is given to manufacturing ...More

Health Excellence Award
This award honors the company or Individuals in partnership with Health India, as well as health and wellness professionals from across...More

Education Excellence Award
This prominent Award is conferred upon the outstanding achievers from all over the country and abroad, who has worked persistently to promote ...More

Customer Service Excellence Award
The quality of customer service is a key part of any visitor experience. Open to any tourism business that can show the business benefits from ...More

Tourism & Hospitality Excellence Award
The Tourism & Hospitality Excellence Award is a new initiative introduced by Economic Development Forum to celebrate excellence and ...More

Emerging company of the year Awards
This Award will go to the Company/organisation that can best demonstrate a company-wide commitment to Corporate ...More

Entrepreneur of the year Awards
This award will be won by a truly impressive individual who has contributed to his company, industry sector and the wider community...More

Business Leader of the Year Award
This Award is by nomination only, and will go to the outstanding individual who has best demonstrated exceptional leadership ...More

Emerging company of the year Awards
This Award will go to the Company/organisation that can best demonstrate a company-wide commitment to Corporate ...More

Young Entrepreneur of the year Awards
This award will be won by a truly impressive individual who has contributed to his company, industry sector and the ...More

Promising Startup Business of the Year Award
This award is open to companies in the region that have been in operation for a maximum of three years. Startup ...More

The " Economic Development Awards " Celebrates the exceptional performance of local businesses across the country.


Our Associates

The Economic Development Forum is proudly supported by it's Partners.